Presenting Wine-Six Classic Pieces
The cultural mission of the craftsman and artists are preserving the traditions and innovation.
For this series "presenting wine", we took the form of an ancient bronze wine goblet from 4000 years ago, cast it in glass, without adding a word to the design of the original piece. Simply listen to the voice of our four thousand years old national aesthetic.
Liuligongfang is well aware and keeps constantly in mind the cultural mission of the craftsman and artists inheriting the tradition and creating something new.
將進酒 ––古風六品
一個工藝美術工作者的文化任務, 一是傳承;一是創新。
然而在將進酒第一章; 我們堅持先放下自己所有的矜持, 回到零點, 以商周的青銅器--觚為師法, 琉璃材質隻詮釋,不多說一個字。