LIULI Chinese Year of the Ox Crystal Sculpture We Are Remarkable
Regular price
$278.00 CAD
Design Description: One of the youthful designs is this pair of little blue oxen with large eyes and enchanting smiles, symbolizing that they see the best in one another. An exceptional 2021 gift for the dynamic duo, of like mind and heart. 是一對齊心同步、彼此鼓勵的小牛。一對可愛小牛,髮型時髦,一個萌萌大眼,一個含笑相望,彼此的互動裡,滿眼是對方的優點,也滿是彼此的關愛,年輕人日常生活裡的小場景,仿佛在作品上再得以重現。如作品名“和你一樣”,這是琉璃工房為年輕族群推出的小小生肖,提醒為生活努力奮鬥著的年輕人:雖然很辛苦,也請記得,你從不孤獨,身邊永遠有著關愛理解的人。 |