Crystal Flower, Hibiscus Bloom, Happiness in Bloom
Regular price
$6,860.00 CAD
The Collection: Flower Sculptures, A Peaceful Existence Design Concept: The crystal hibiscus flower sculpted here possesses an unique personality. Achieved through the techinique of pate-de-verre and twice-firing, this design is one of the most challenging pieces because the petals are large and layered, and each step in the process needs extra efforts to secure. For example, in the refining wax form, every micro inch and subtlety plays its own role in the grand scheme of beauty and they require tens of injection points for liuli ingredients for exact color placement. Because the hibiscus flower is one of only a few that bloom in late fall—when many flowers wilt—the Chinese have long since admired the survivor for its conviction. As if guided by the chilling autumn draft, the petals of this flower remain uplifted—fearlessly radiating its colors when all others have faded. And for that, the glass hibiscus flower immortalizes the flower’s beauty, a quality of resilience and courage. View the self through flowers, view the world through a vase. Through the noble hibiscus, we are shown the will of our convictions. 概念設計說明: 水晶琉璃芙蓉,脫蠟鑄造技法手工製成,花瓣層疊構成與定色,繁複細緻的造型,成為脫臘製模與翻模上最大的挑戰。花瓣既大又多,使得包覆矽膠膜的時候,極講究厚度與深度,尚需加上一層「卡膜」,預防花瓣斷裂,再依花瓣的數量,一朵朵製模,可達十幾層。拆模時更得仔細,力量稍大,就可能完全毀壞,得重頭開始,修臘也因為花瓣數量太多,原料注口達幾十個,極為耗費工。木芙蓉盛開於十月至一月,這時百花凋謝,它卻傲霜綻放,故白居易詩曰:「莫怕秋無伴愁物,水蓮花盡木蓮開」,因此它的花語有高潔之士、純潔之意,因其層疊的碩大花瓣與繽紛色彩,有豐碩圓滿與美好的祝願,作品將盛滿的花瓣以寫意的方式,綻放如風起搖曳,使形態豔麗可人。以花觀己,以瓶觀世界,從作品芙蓉的高潔,看見原則的堅定。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |