Crystal Buddha, Guanyin, Heartfelt Compassion in Each Step
Regular price
$4,760.00 CAD
The Collection: Crystal Buddha Sculpture |
Design Description: Guanyin, the Chinese version of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, appears in thirty-three different manifestations, so as to meet the needs of the various types of beings who call out for her intercession and to whom she teaches the Dharma. This is a novel representation of Guanyin, as it is neither her original form nor one of her traditional thirty-three manifestations. She is depicted in her usual standing posture, holding a rosary, and wearing a magnificent jeweled necklace; on her head is a small statue of the buddha Amitabha. She rides on her customary mount, the chaotianhou, a mythical beast said to be the son of the Dragon King. Serving as a type of guardian, it snarls at the sky. Its function is to impart the will of heaven to the world, and to transmit the sentiments of the people to heaven. The precision with which this piece manifests Guanyin’s countenance and bearing attest to the level of mastery attained by the artist over decades of painstaking work. Guanyin’s tranquil bearing and fluttering robe covey a sense of fortitude amidst the vicissitudes of life. Overall, this exquisite sculpture exudes a tangible sense of benevolence and solicitude for the welfare of all sentient beings. 觀世音菩薩除了本尊還可以化現三十二種不同的法相,這是為了幫助各種不同根性和類別的眾生,而為之說法,方便教化眾生。此作品沒有特別設定是觀音菩薩的本尊或是三十三法相之一。作品是以觀音菩薩傳統常見的站姿,菩薩手持念珠,身上佩戴華麗莊嚴的瓔珞,頭冠上頂著小尊的阿彌陀佛寶像,腳上有著觀音菩薩特定的坐騎——神獸「朝天吼」,傳說是龍王的兒子,有守望習慣,神情展現對天咆哮,被視為向上傳天意,向下達民情的形象。此作品充分表現出藝術家在超過二十年的佛像雕塑中,對整體觀音菩薩的神情、姿態,有著充分的掌握和自信。菩薩慈悲的眼神,衣摺飄動的生動感,立於風中的帶有著堅毅精神,郤又充滿溫柔的法相。整體造形,流露出菩蕯的係念眾生、關愛慈悲之情。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |