Its Star, Its Heart
My mildness and grace, My sincerity, My thoughtfulness, My benevolence, I am a friend to the end, I forever strive forward, I watch over my household, I love nature. But I can also be anxious and emotional, And bashful. In spite of it all, There is nobody else like me.
A Star that shines as bright as you, the heart of the Sheep: Yun fat Chow, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Michael Owen, Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Yue Fei
我的溫順優雅 我的虔誠 我的細心 我的仁愛 我夠朋友 我勇往向上 我善持家 我熱愛大自然 可是我多愁善感 我怕羞 然而 我就是我,不是嗎?
和你同樣的燦爛星星,屬羊的心: 周潤發、妮可基曼、朱莉亞羅伯茲、邁克歐文、 比爾蓋茲、愛迪生、岳飛、馬友友、勞勃狄尼洛、章子怡、伍佰、貝比魯斯